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The Swiss inn

Even before that I did my exchange I gave an important place or even the main important one to live in a community as L'auberge espagnole by Cédric Klapisch.

According to me it was the best way to discover cultures, food, way of life, to share experiences with international students, to meet new friends and so on. And I should admit that it was even better than I could imagine!

During the semester we organized a lot of trips together all over Switzerland and abroad (Italy, Germany). We also prepared our traditional meals for the International Dinner. I learnt a lot of Chinese food and how to cook it.

It was the first time for me to live in a community and I really like this social experience. What is really pleasant in Student Lodge Bolligen it is that we are with other students from different universities and thus a different academic background.

There is another Student Lodge in Bern (called Fellergut located at Bern-Bümplitz), and we also organized dinner or parties with them. It extends the number of Erasmus students from different ages, nationalities, universities...

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